COBALT Logo European Union
What's new at COBALT?
The closing conference of the COBALT project, on the topic "Sustainable raw materials management in Europe - Fostering stakeholder dialogue to deliver on the future", will take place on 23-24 March 2015 in Brussels >> more

COBALT - Contributing to building of awareness, learning and transfer of knowledge on sustainable use of raw materials

Discussing solutions for industry and civil society

COBALT is an EU-funded project that brings together industry, civil society, research bodies, and public authorities to stimulate a joint debate on sustainable raw material use.

Impacts and scarcity of raw materials

The project focuses particularly on identifying the best ways to put sustainable raw materials management into practice, help inform future innovation activities, and support the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials.

It will explore how the needs of EU industry and civil society can be simultaneously met through innovation along the value chain from extraction to final consumption.

The project will address the following issues:

  • security of supply;
  • how to grow in substitution and higher value markets;
  • the use of raw materials with high environmental and social impacts, and
  • skills shortages in raw materials management.

© 2025 Institute for Managing Sustainability
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Welthandelsplatz 1, A-1020 Vienna

The COBALT project is co-funded by the
European Union's 7th Framework Programme
under Grant Agreement No. 603509.